2014年4月14日 星期一

F*** The Poor#窮人去死#史上最具爭議的慈善廣告(中英字幕)

This video filmed by a UK charity will probably be the most controversial public service ads you've ever seen.
The Pilion Trust, a charity which helps some of the poorest and most vulnerable, has conducted a social experiment on the people of London to see if we really do care about those who are less fortunate.

A man wearing a sign saying “F*** the poor” was sent out to the streets of the capital. Londoners were secretly filmed taking the man to task for the offensive statement.

Afterwards, the man flipped his sign over so that it read “Help the poor” and he proceeded to ask for donations – but this time people completely ignored him.

Savvas Panas, the Chief Executive of the Pilion Trust, said: “As a charity that has been severely affected by the nationwide decrease in charitable donations (20%) and Government cuts (60%).

“We understand that some may be shocked by this footage. We are more offended however, that people across the United Kingdom are living in adverse poverty.”
幫助貧窮弱勢族群的The Pilion Trust慈善機構在倫敦進行了一項社會實驗,要測試大眾對於那些不幸的人們是否真的關切。



 Pilion Trust執行長Savvas Panas表示:「身為一間受全球捐款減少20%、政府刪減補助60%所影響的慈善機構,」


NSFW(Not Save For Work)
source 文章來源:http://piliontrust.com/
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